A credit provider has obtained a garnishee order against my salary. Can I include this account in my debt review application?
We cannot include any accounts in the debt review process where legal action has commenced.ย It is therefore important that you apply for debt review sooner rather than later. If you already have a garnishee order against you, we can make provision for the monthly amount in your restructured debt plan.
If a credit provider has obtained a garnishee order against your salary, it is crucial to act quickly. While we cannot include accounts in the debt review process where legal action has commenced, we can make provision for the monthly amount in your restructured debt plan. To avoid further legal complications and to ensure your debts are managed effectively, apply for debt review as soon as possible. Our expert consultants at Zero Debt are ready to assist you in navigating this process. Contact us today to discuss your situation and find the best solution for your financial needs. Visit our Contact Us page for immediate assistance.